Before and After New Backyard Wood Privacy Fence
Today I am going to show you our fence project. Replacing our fence was something we knew from day one we would have to address. We didn’t do it right away because lets face it, it’s not nearly as exciting as some of the indoor projects we have done. Well this was the year.
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The original fence was probably born in 1978 with the house and it showed! It was barely standing in some places and held together with bungee cords in others. It was weathered and crumbling and just in bad shape despite many attempts at repairs. So we got together with the neighbors and talked about having a new fence put in.
Before we opened up this discussion to replace the fence, I wanted to make sure I understood how this kind of thing worked. I had heard all kinds of rumors over the years about how you know if a fence is yours or the neighbors but we never had to address a fence in disrepair. I googled it and got all kinds of crazy answers, so I called the city to find out what the law said in our municipality.
Where we live, a fence that is on the property line is considered jointly owned. It doesn’t matter which way the gate swings, what side of the fence you are on, or which side of the finished fence faces your yard. It is strictly determined by the property line. Our street has property line markings on the curb so we didn’t need to have a survey done. If you are considering replacing your fence, I would definitely check with your city or county to make sure you understand how they recognize property when it comes to fences in your area.
We knew we needed a new fence and were fully prepared to pay our share. Luckily, our neighbors agreed to go in on the cost. I set up several estimates and then we all agreed on what company to use.
Before we could have the fence installed, we had some yard clean up to do. We had several bushes that were growing a bit unruly and had to be put out of their misery! Yard work was not the previous owners’ strong suite and as a result there were bushes growing all over the yard with no rhyme or reason. Not to mention there was NO symmetry. And you all know I have a serious OCD problem! I just couldn’t take it anymore and decided it would just be easier to start over.
We found a local guy that would clean all this up for us and get rid of everything. He would also take out the two trees in our front yard that were planted too close to the house and grind those stumps as well as 3 others.
Side note, the previous year we had two giant cotton wood trees cut down in our back yard because they were dead. The arbor company that cut them down wanted $1000 on top of what they were charging to cut down the trees to grind the stumps, so we skipped it. I had read that you can drill holes in the stumps and pour stump killer into the holes and the stumps would die on their own. That is a total lie. Don’t waste your time and money.
They may die after 20 years or something obscene, but not any time soon and not before killing your grass…..Yep! Since we didn’t grind the stumps, they sucked up all the water in the yard trying to survive and all our grass died the year they were cut down. That was a pain!
Anyway, this guy would take care of all that and clean up the yard. Ordinarily we would have done the yard clean up on our own, however, we needed it to be done in a week and we were knee deep in a flooring project inside. So we simply didn’t have time to do it ourselves, but he was very reasonable and did a great job.
And a priceless photo bomb by our dog, haha!!!
Now it was time for the fence. It was so strange to come home and see all the way through to the neighbors yards. A little too open for my taste….
And within a day it looked like this. What an improvement! It looked so nice to have a clean perimeter and a nice new cedar privacy fence to go with it 🙂
To see what we did to the rest of the back yard, check out my side yard hardscaping post, landscaping post, shed post, and fire pit post.
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This post, Before and After New Backyard Wood Privacy Fence, appeared first on Garrison Street Design Studio.