IKEA Luftmassa Hack
This summer is flying by, but I am trying to soak up every bit of it I can. Which leads me to a super simple IKEA hack I threw together for our patio table. I love using ambient lighting in the evenings and when I had a few IKEA Luftmassas on hand from a previous project, I jumped at the chance to turn them into a different kind of light. A candle holder to be exact. The best part is, I used another seemingly useless item to aid me in this project, old CDs! This took barely any time to create and definitely fills out the center of the patio table. You want to see how I did it?
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Before I dive into how I did this let me give you a little back story. I picked up three Luftmassas at IKEA in the fall when I was working on the family room makeover. At the time, I had no clue what I was going to do with them, but the black ones were on clearance for $3.99! I knew at that price I would definitely figure something out. I ended up using one in our wet bar but I still had two left over. Then one day when we were cleaning up the patio, I had my light bulb moment! They would make a perfect candle holder.
IKEA Luftmassa Hack
IKEA Luftmassa
Black Spray Paint
3 inch Pillar Candle
Gorilla Mounting Putty
Step 1
Make the trek to IKEA (hopefully your’s is not too far away) and pick up a Luftmassa or two. These are technically supposed to be used as the shade for a pendant light, but who doesn’t love a good IKEA hack? I bought mine a few months back on clearance in black. It doesn’t look like they have the black in the same shape anymore, but they have it in this one which would be so cute with a taller candle!
Step 2
Dig through your junk drawer and pull out some old CDs. I had a stack of blank ones in my office drawer that have been collecting dust for almost a decade. You know, the kind that came on a spool that got really cheap when thumb drives became popular? They don’t have to be blank and you could also use a DVD, just make sure you aren’t attached to whatever is on it.
Step 3
Spray paint the CD. I used black because my IKEA shade was black, but you could use whatever color you want. You could also spray paint the Luftmassa if you want it to be a different color.
I let mine dry for about an hour on a warm day with the garage door open.
Step 4
Attach the CD to the inside of the shade. For this step I simply used Gorilla Mounting Putty.
I added four small pieces to the inside base of the shade and pressed the CD into place with the painted side up.
It provides a good hold but allows me to remove it down the road if I want to use these for something else. You could definitely glue it down if you like though.
Step 5
Add a small candle and enjoy! I used a 3 inch pillar candle to allow plenty of room for the flame to burn without touching the shade. As a safety note, you should never leave real candles burning unattended 😉
This project was SO easy and adds just a little something extra to the patio table! If you missed the tutorial on how we built the table, you can check it out here. If you like my marble planter, I show you how to DIY your own in my marble planter post 😉
If you enjoyed my IKEA Luftmassa Hack, please share it on Facebook or hover over an image and save to Pinterest! And if you don’t already follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook, I would love for us to be friends!
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This post, IKEA Luftmassa Hack, appeared first on Garrison Street Design Studio.