Master Bathroom DEMO DAY!!!
Hey guys! Today is the day. It’s been in the making for 5 long years and today it is FINALLY here! That’s right. You guessed it. DEMO DAY! We channeled our inner Chip Gains with our homemade t-shirts and my pink safety glasses as we demoed our master bathroom! But in case you missed the first three parts to this series, check out my Coming Soon Post, my Design Sneak Peek, and the Master Suite Renovation Progress post. Remember, this is what we started with when we bought That 70s House.
And this is what it looked like after we made a few simple updates to hold us over to the BIG reno.
Two weekends ago we moved everything out of our bedroom and my closet and into the two guest rooms. We will be living in the blue room until this project is complete.
This is my temporary closet. Barry keeps telling me this is what I have always wanted, an entire room dedicated to my closet……not really what I had in mind.
During the same weekend we removed all of the carpet and scraped the popcorn ceilings. It looks so much better already, doesn’t it?!
I have never before shown you pictures of the toilet area and shower, mostly because there is not much to see, but for perspective on this renovation I think they are worth sharing, so here you go. Thrilling, I know!
That hole was not always there. That was me and my anxiousness making sure there was no plumbing in that soffit. Last weekend we finally got to DEMO DAY!!! I was SO excited for this part! Mostly because I couldn’t wait to see what the bathroom looked like without that dividing wall between the toilet and the vanity 🙂 Because of my eagerness to take it down, one of the first things I removed was the medicine cabinet that was recessed in the wall. Several years ago when we did our mini update we took the medicine cabinet out to paint and I totally forgot I left a little something behind 🙂 So we took a minute to reflect on that!
Then when I was removing the toilet paper holder on the other side of the wall, I found the remnants of what I think was at one time the wallpaper in the space. Kind of reminds me of mermaids…..maybe because its so iridescent?
I’ll be honest, we did have a few hiccups arise, but what renovation doesn’t? Ours mostly surrounded the removal of the vanity and the plumbing. The pipes that supply our double sinks come up from the floor, which we knew going into this. What we didn’t know is there is not a separate supply to each sink. There is only one supply for the left hand sink (Barry’s sink) and a pipe that ran through the base under the cabinets to my sink (the right hand sink). This complicated not only the removal (which we enlisted a plumbers help for) but it also means re-routing the plumbing for our floating vanity.
Originally when I thought there were separate supply lines I didn’t think they would be very visible given our future vanity’s distance from the floor. But a long pipe that runs almost the length of the vanity would definitely be seen. So the pipes will be re-routed into the wall by a plumber…….not us. We also learned the soffit above the vanity area isn’t just holding up our recessed lights, it also houses the vent pipe for our drain. But of course it does! Another project for the plumber. Finally, while we removed all of the drywall on the dividing wall between the vanity and toilet, we did not remove all of the framing. Since electrical runs through the studs and we will ultimately be relocating it all, we will leave that to the electrician 🙂
So now our bathroom looks like this. It already feels SO much bigger and I can’t wait to finish it now!!! Just a few more boring details need to be addressed before we can get to the fun stuff, you know, like walls, electrical, and plumbing. But we are making progress! Stick around to see what next week brings and don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also subscribe to my newsletter so you never miss a post!