5 Easy Organization Ideas
With the new year comes new goals. Among those goals for many people, including myself, is getting organization under control! So today I am sharing 5 organization ideas for 2021. There is just something about purging and starting the year off with a clean slate, literally and figuratively that just makes us feel good! Whether it’s shedding the prior year, which I think many of us are in favor of, or just taking your sanity back, we all have at least one place around the house in need of some organization! Bonus. I am a real person with plenty of stuff! I am not the organizer that tells you to throw everything away!
5 Easy Organization Ideas
I know many people find organization to be overwhelming, but the key is to start small and work your way up! Taking on too much too soon makes you want to give up before you make a dent. Also, you don’t have to do it all at once. Take a few hours, do what you can and take a break. It will be there tomorrow. And before you know it, you will have done a whole room! Here are some of my favorite and easy organization ideas to get you started 😉
If you are new around here I will let you in on a little secret. I LOVE IKEA! Ok, so it’s not a secret, but I do love IKEA. They have so many affordable solutions for everyday life that are totally hackable! The Trofast is no exception. While these simple storage drawers are meant for children’s toys, they are also an excellent organization idea for a small closet. I literally have zero regrets about this project! We had SO much wasted space before but I was really able to maximize it!
Another common problem area for many homes is the laundry room, or in my case the laundry closet. I mentioned last week in my goals that I am hoping to tackle a full makeover of the laundry closet this year. But in the meantime, my easy organization ideas in here have paid off big time! I wouldn’t say I enjoy doing laundry, but it has made the task much more bearable, haha!
Easy Under the Kitchen Sink Organization
Before I tackled this project, you might have thought I was a hoarder of grocery bags and closet alcoholic with all the wine bottles I found under here. Seriously! In my defense, I think I was planning a wine bottle project I found on Pinterest but never started, go figure. Any who, this was a super easy organization idea perfect for someone who wants to start small. It only took a few hours but has saved my sanity SO many times!
5 Tips for Designing Your Dream Closet
This is probably my most FAVORITE organization project. My closet. It should come as no surprise, that my good old Swedish friend IKEA came to the rescue yet again! From day one in this house I wanted to re-configure my small 5×5 walk-in closet because too much space was wasted with poor planning. BUT the IKEA PAX has SO many customizable options it makes organization a breeze. Remember when I said I am a real person with lots of stuff? My closet is proof! I have 150 hangers, over 75 pairs of shoes, and 65 necklaces in here! Small closets can PAX big storage.
Pantry Cabinet Organization
If there is one thing I have learned from 2020, it’s this. We need a larger pantry, or so I thought. This last year, our grocery shopping habits definitely changed. We ate almost all of our meals at home which meant more groceries which equals a hot mess of a pantry. I always struggled with the organization in here because it is so deep and items often got lost in the back where they went to expire. But I finally found a way to keep our food fresher and more accessible so we have less waste. This was an easy weekend project that has saved us plenty in unexpired food!
What are you doing to get organized this year?
PS. If you are looking for some extra inspiration, you have to check out The Home Edit’s show on Netflix. I am totally addicted!
If you enjoyed today’s 5 Easy Organization Ideas, please share it on Facebook or hover over an image and save to Pinterest! And if you don’t already follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook, I would love for us to be friends!
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This post, 5 Easy Organization Ideas appeared first on Garrison Street Design Studio.