Carpet to Wood Stair Makeover
Hi Everyone! Welcome back! If you are just stopping by for the first time thanks for visiting and I hope you join us again! Today I am tackling our stairs.
We just finished replacing all the carpet on our main floor with Pergo. You can find those posts here: our family room update & a real home office. During that project we removed the carpet in our family room but failed to address the 5 stairs that lead from our kitchen to the family room which were originally carpet. Dirty, dirty carpet. I had to come up with a quick fix for these because we were about to have a party not to mention we would be hosting the holidays shortly there after and these steps were still dirty, dirty carpet. Very un-attractive, especially next to our new floors. Part of the reason I initially ignored these stairs is because we have real hardwood in our upstairs and laminate hardwood downstairs and these five little steps connect the two. Did I mention they are not exactly the same color wood either? I definitely wanted these steps to be wood as I have a strong dislike for carpet. My dilemma was this…….do I stain the stairs to match the upstairs, the downstairs, or make the top steps match the top and the bottom match the bottom? Seriously though, I did consider a gradual ombre if you will. I know, crazy right? Then I thought, what if I don’t choose and just paint them a dark brown? I liked this idea. Since I wasn’t totally sure it would be what I wanted and if it would wear well, I decided to “test” it on the actual stairs before buying the new stair treads and risers. What did I have to lose right? This is the before.
After we removed the carpet, this is what the bare stair treads looked like.
I painted the risers Ultra White by Valspar in a semi-gloss and the treads Phantom Mist by Olympic in a semi-gloss.
I painted the risers first and let them dry. Then I started on the treads and did every other stair so I could still get up and down the stairs while they were drying 🙂
I really liked the way they were turning out!
Eventually, I will buy the new treads and risers and re-do them but this will work as a temporary ascetic fix and give us a chance to see how the painted treads wear 🙂
The stairs look great. Wondering if you planned on keeping the risers white or using the same color stair treads when you do the actual project. Personally I like the dimension that that white risers give.
Thanks Rebecca! I really like the risers white as well 😊