Guest Room #1 Re-design
If you remember back to my bedrooms post, I designed our guest rooms in some what of a hurry, mostly recycling items I already had. After several years, it was time to design these rooms for real!
While there was nothing really wrong with either room, I was itching to do a re-design. Have I mentioned bedrooms are my FAVORITE room to design? Well, they are. If we could have one of those old Victorian houses with like 10 bedrooms, I would be in heaven! Literally because Barry might kill me if I ever get us into that!
This room was originally referred to as “the yellow room” because I originally painted it yellow. Here is the original room.
And this is what it looked like after we moved in.
I knew for a while I wanted to re-design the guest rooms and already had an idea for the other one, but this room was stumping me a little. Then one day I was laying on the couch playing on my iPad and randomly saw this headboard I really liked on Wayfair. Then it came to me. We live in Colorado and there is a lot of Rustic design out here. True Rustic (like log cabin) isn’t my thing but I really wanted to put my own spin on rustic for a while and do a Rustic Modern room. I was especially inspired to do this after a ski trip when we stayed in a really swanky place in Beaver Creek with a very Rustic Modern vibe. Now I knew what room I would do it in! The headboard was the first piece to my plan. It was clean lines, but still had rustic elements in the wood, the nail head trim, and even the more organic feeling linen. And the best part was it was only $140!
Then I moved on to the accessories as I would not be replacing the rest of the furniture. I already had several things I could incorporate and build off from my stock pile of decorating items I refuse to part with. I probably have at least 5 plastic tubs in the basement full of pillows, curtains, bedding. etc. But I do reuse a lot of it…….at some point, so I feel like my slight hoarding is completely justifiable. Out of the basement I collected a tan colored duvet, dark brown faux fur pillow shams I have been hoarding for a decade, a coral-ish colored suede pillow that came with our couch, and a brown bed skirt we used before we got a king sized bed. Not bad for free right? Now I needed new lamps. The old lamps just didn’t work anymore and they were a bit wimpy in size. I wanted something with either an organic or industrial feel but still had clean lines. I lusted for these amazing mother of pearl lamps I found online but they were $200…..each! Nope, $400 on two lamps was not in the budget. Then one day I randomly visited our local Ross which I normally forget about and I hit the JACKPOT! Not only did they have lamps that were almost identical to the ones I saw online, they were only $35 each!!! I also found two other sets of pillows, a vase, and a picture frame for the room! You should have seen me trying to push my two carts overflowing with merchandise in fear that someone might try to snag my lamps!
I later found some additional accessories for the room at Home Goods, Bed Bath & Beyond, Target & H&M. Yep, H&M. One day my co-worker and I popped into to H&M on our lunch break and we saw a third floor marked house wares……really?!?! So of course we checked it out and glad we did! I found a faux fur pillow cover for $5! I didn’t need to buy any stuffing since I have a plethora of pillows in my basement that aren’t in use…….I stole the stuffing out of one of those.
The next item to address was art work. Previously, I had some DIY art I created from fabric in matching, matted frames. I have a post about a similar project I did for our dining room. This worked with the room before, but I sought to find something a bit bigger. Not to worry though, I have a plan to reuse those old black frames else where 🙂 The first place I checked for my new art work was of course Home Goods, but I did not find anything. Sometimes I strike out. Then I saw these awesome Agate prints at Z Gallerie. But they were a bit more than I wanted to spend. As a result, I decided to see if I could find just the prints at and find my own frames……BINGO! They had the exact prints and another modern picture of a beautiful white horse. I ordered all three. Now for the frames. Not sure if you have caught on yet, but I can definitely be quite frugal. So the idea of custom frames seemed a bit ridiculous to me. I don’t know if you have ever priced custom frames, but HOLY COW! Just one frame was going to be about $100 on a 50% off sale, and it was relatively simple and not very big. I felt that was too much. So I decided to purchase some “generic” already framed art work at about a 10th of the cost and take out the pictures that came with them. I will admit, this was not quite as easy as I imagined it would be, but it still worked. I ordered Watercolor Agate I By Megan Meagher, Watercolor Agate II By Megan Meagher, and White on White By Melanie Snowhite.
The last order of business was paint. If you haven’t noticed, I am always willing to re-paint a room…….almost every room in our house has been painted twice now……almost. Some might say this is a waste of time but I prefer to think of it as an opportunity to perfect a skill. Since the room was currently yellow, there was no getting around re-painting. This didn’t go with my new design. I ended up choosing Anew Gray by Sherwin Williams in a satin finish.
I painted the room one evening while Barry was out with his guy friends. Then I started moving everything back in. This is my FAVORITE part! It’s like when Joanna Gaines stages the houses on Fixer Upper. Love that show!
The final room came together as I imagined and we now refer to it as the “Mountain Room”. Want more? Check out my 2nd guest room re-design here.