DIY Hallway Makeover with Board and Batten
Hello my lovely friends! I hope you are all doing well despite the challenges we are facing with COVID-19. I know these are some crazy times we are living in right now, but I hope you all are looking out for your health and staying safe! Since most of us are currently taking an extended sabbatical at home right now, there is no time like the present to take our minds off things and check some DIY projects off the list. At the top of my list is a DIY Hallway Makeover with Board and Batten for our downstairs hallway.
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The before hallway
For some reason hallway decor has always given me horrible flashbacks of the 80s. You know what I am talking about. The dark dingy hallway covered in oak wood frames with EVERY family photo ever taken and the growing up photo frames! Yeah, not so pretty. Because of this PTSD, if you want to call it that, I have refrained entirely from decorating our hallways, until now! If you follow me on Instagram, you have already seen a chunk of this makeover, but today is the BIG reveal! If you missed my stories, here is a look at the before.
Pretty bland, huh? A few years ago we replaced the flooring down here, but that was about it. My goal was to give the space a bit more style and brighten it up. To accomplish this, I decided on a version of board and batten. My original hope was to do a geometric pattern similar to the shiplap wall we did in our master bedroom. As I drew it out on the wall however, I was quickly reminded that geometry was my worst math subject, haha! As a result, I landed on a simple ladder pattern.
To see how I did it, head to Instagram and check out my archived Hallway stories. In addition to the board and batten, it was time to up the ante on the poor lighting and ditch the boob lights once and for all.
I chose these simple but stylish low profile, flush mount fixtures.
I upgraded the existing coat hooks with some modern black hooks and relocated it to the other side of the hallway.
I finished off the look by recycling some simple black frames I already had and added some stock art I printed myself.
On the opposite wall, I relocated another art piece I had hanging in a different room.
With a little imagination and some sweat equity, I transformed our drab hallway in just over a week!
The after hallway Makeover with Board and Batten
Now when I walk down the hall I can’t believe it is the same space. I also can’t believe I waited so long to transform it!
Light Fixture | Coat Hooks | Frames | Custom Name Art | Flooring | Scarf | Earrings | Top | Jeans | Sunglasses
This easy and affordable wall treatment could be applied to any room to add some instant style! It truly is a great bang for your buck! If you enjoyed my DIY Hallway Makeover with Board and Batten, please share it on Facebook or hover over an image and save to Pinterest! And if you don’t already follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook, I would love for us to be friends!
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This post, DIY Hallway Makeover with Board and Batten, appeared first on Garrison Street Design Studio.
The hallway looks great!!
Thank you so much Julie! 🙏 I hope you are doing well!
WOW!! Very Nice.
Thank you so much!!!
Out of curiosity, are the doors the old hollow brown flat panel doors? They look great!
Yes, they are! And thank you 🙏 we painted them years ago to hold us over until we could replace them all. It really was a cheap and easy fix. Someday we will get around to replacing them 😋